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Questions & Answers


What's the process of the application? 申請的流程是怎麼樣的?

TorchLight Foundation manages the first round interview and arranges the interview within two weeks of our receipt of your application. Once you are qualified for the basic requirements and characteristics that the partnering companies are looking for, we pass your application materials along with your comments to the companies within a week of the interview. The company will then work with us for further rounds of assessments, offers, and arrangements of the internship/employment. 火炬基金會負責首輪面試,並在收到申請的兩周內安排面試。當申請人符合企業的要求時,我們在一周內把申請材料及評價遞交至公司。企業會與火炬基金會協調安排後續輪次的評估、錄取及實習/全職工作的安排。


What's the form and content of the first round interview? 首輪面試的形式及內容是怎麼樣的?

TorchLight Foundation will provide the applicants with several slots for a phone interview via either our conference-line, Skype or direct call. The applicants will be asked questions about their past experience, their knowledge about the companies and positions applying for, and their characteristics in the workplace. 火炬基金會提供申請人數個可選的時間段,通過電話會議、Skype或直撥電話進行電話面試。面試問題將集中於申請人過往的經歷、對申請企業及職位的了解以及工作環境中的特征。


How is application through TorchLight's CIFP different from direct application towards these companies? 火炬基金會的中國實習/全職項目與直接向企業申請有什麼區別?

TorchLight Foundation partners with the companies,  and communicate each qualified application with the person in charge in the companies. We also provide overall and position-specific feedback to students and from the perspective of the positions applied for. 火炬基金會與企業直接合作,並與企業相關負責人溝通每一份符合標準的申請。 我們也為學生提供整體及和職位相關的反饋。


When will the application results be released? 申請結果何時公佈?

The partnering companies reserve the right to make the final decision with respect to the applications. In most cases, companies conduct further rounds of assessments on a rolling basis. 合作企業保留對申請的最終決定權。在多數情況下,企業滾動式進行後續輪次的評估。


What is the salary? 崗位的薪資水平是什麼樣的?

The salary varies with positions and companies. Please refer to the standard salary for each role and company respectively. 不同公司的不同崗位薪資水平不同,請參照公司及崗位的常規標準。​​

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